
Product Reviews by our Staff and Customers

Hobby killer: what it is and how to avoid it


A hobby killer telescope is one which is really bad. Anyone who gets one will find that it’s too difficult to use, and worse, that astronomy is no fun. Here, we point out how to spot a hobby killer, so you can avoid it. Better, we also tell you what to look out for so your gift will provide a lifetime of enjoyment and learning.

Kit eyepieces and their upgrades

Accessories, Reviews
Most people start out in astronomy with a telescope bundle – that’s the scope, tripod, finderscope and other accessories. It’s just the sensible way to start. Amongst the most important…

Voyager – Review

My Journey So Far I am an astrophotographer that started looking up with a camera on a Telescope around September 2016, my start on AP was like every other person,…

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