
SESTO SENSO 2 Animation

New SESTO SENSO 2 Robotic Focusing Motor

SESTO SENSO 2 – The highly accurate, advanced, vibration free, robotic focusing motor for your telescope! Connect it to the USB port of your EAGLE or Windows® computer to electronically…
RSF Series Secondary Mirror Focuser

Australian dealership for Rainbow Astro

Sidereal Trading is excited to announce that we are now the Australian dealer for Rainbow Astro. Rainbow Astro is a division of Rainbow Robotics, a professional mechatronics technology company that…

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What’s the time on the Moon?

How do we tell the time on the Moon? This will be an important issue once humans establish a long-term presence there. We list a few of the problems with time, and how they’ll probably agree on a single Coordinated Lunar Time.

An image of the Lunar X

The Lunar X is a pattern of light cast by the rising Sun over a complex group of walls near the Werner crater. It’s only visible for about 45 minutes each lunar cycle and it’s only visible a couple of times each year to people on Earth. We knew of an apparition coming up, so we used a remote dome to get an image. We did have to battle our share of clouds, of course.

About that Nova in Corona Borealis…

T Corona Borealis is expected explode in a cosmic event called a nova in the near future. However, it hasn’t happened yet. Now the sun is approaching and is threatening to drown out the star before it goes off. We might have to wait until January to see what happens.